I was looking at my princess the other night when she was wearing her "Jumping Through Hoops" hairstyle and I wondered what it would look like without braids.
So here we have a variation on the original and I actually like this one a bit better.
Begin by parting the hair in half anyway you like - We've just made up a fun little part.
Now pull each half up into a piggie.
Separate out 1/3 of one of the piggies and set it aside. Now take the remaining hair from that piggie and create a Pull-Through Braid.
Now weave the strand that you set aside in and out of the elastics using a Topsy Tail. Secure it at the bottom with another elastic when you're finished.
Repeat the same process on the other piggie.
Now grab your favorite hair accessories to glam it up and you're all set!

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