Haunted Hairstyle

HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!!!  We love this time of year because it is so fun to dress up and pretend.  We also love the candy - of course!  We have one final Halloween hairstyle today and it's called the "Haunted Hairstyle". 
Start by pulling all of the hair back into a tight ponytail.  Now grab a bun mold or a rolled sock and place the ponytail through it.  Spread the hair evenly over the bun mold and then wrap another elastic over the hair and mold to secure it into place. 
Comb the remaining hair, outside of the mold, straight down so it looks like a ponytail. 
Now grab a white knee-high stocking.  (I used the second one from the pack that I bought at the dollar store - I used the first on The Ghost.)  Draw a face on the knee-high with a permanent marker.  (Place cardboard inside the knee-high to prevent bleeding.)  Place the face part of your knee-high directly over the bun mold and then stretch the rest over.  You can adjust it as needed.  Add one final white elastic over the mold to hold the knee-high in place. 
 Grab some white ribbon for your last part.   Measure the ribbon against the length of the hair hanging down and then double it so that it is twice as long as the hair.  You can cut as many strand of ribbon as you like.  Take each strand and tuck them through that final elastic that you placed over the mold.  Make sure the middle of your ribbon is directly under the elastic so that you have two hanging strands.  You can tie the ribbon onto the elastic if you like but we did not do that and the ribbon held just fine.  You can either leave the hair straight at this point like we've done or you can curl it.  (I personally wanted to curl it but we ran out of time.)  Add a hair bow to the top of your ghost and you're all finished! 
My princess had a ghost in her hair to match the ghost on her pillowcase dress!  We hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween!
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