Here's a hairstyle that we tried this morning and it was a fun one. We have pictures here of the draped look but you can also pull the braids tightly so they don't sag and you'll have a totally different style.
Begin by making apart directly down the center of the head.
Start on the right half of the head and create a small section of hair up on top and secure it into an elastic. Pull out some hair from the bottom of that ponytail and create a Regular 3-Strand Braid out of it.
Now move over to the left half and section out the front area - equal to the right side. Pull your braid over to the left section and secure it all together with an elastic. Now unplate any remaining braid underneath that new elastic.
Create a new section on the left half, just below the first one and combine that left ponytail and the new section together and secure it with an elastic. Pull out some hair from the bottom of that new-left ponytail and create a Regular 3-Strand Braid out of it.
Move back over to the right half and section out another area - equal to the left side. Pull your braid over to the new-right section and secure it all together with an elastic.
You will continue this process, moving from side to side, until you come to the bottom of the head.
You'll end up with two ponytails on each half of the head with you can leave straight or braid. Hide your elastics with some hair clips and you're all finished!

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