Friday's Film: Long Knots

We posted a video last week showing you how to do some flat iron curls and this is the other part of that same hairstyle.  These are called Long Knots and they add a fun look to lots of different styles.  (I apologize for some of the instruction being out of the frame but hopefully it won't hinder the basic idea.)
Remember that you can secure your Long Knots with bobby pins if you would like to.
Like I said in the video, you don't need to secure the bangs before hand but we chose to do that for this particular style. 
We only did 3 knots here but you can do as many as you like and they can be as big or as small as you like just depending on how much hair you grab. 
Her ends were just left hanging for this style but you can pull them into braids, buns, or ponytails as well. 
We just finished it off with some flat iron curls and we posted the video for those last Friday. 
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