I tried to do a version of a pretty circle braid updo that I saw on the internet~ it turned out a little lop-sided, but it's hard to braid 360* around one's own head lol
Here are links to the two Lilith Moon videos you can combine to create this hairstyle~ Lilith posted this idea on her Facebook page with a few pictures of her own. First video on circle lace braid updo~ and the next video on a circle French braid.
(When I fixed my hair today, I did the center circle French braid first, then the outer lace braid. I poked the ends of my braids up under the bun, so that's actually all my hair and not a sock.)
For lack of a better name (or the imagination to think one up!), I just called this my fancy braided bun. If you have a better name for this hairstyle feel free to comment below. As always, thanks for looking!
Wimsey :-) |

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